“Dr.” Bouthaina Shaaban, the Damascus Butcher’s Jezebel

Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban, the Damascus Butcher's Jezebel
من هي السورية المقيتة ” بُشْعَنا ثعبان” المعروفة بـ “بثينة شعبان”؟ The piece below is from the archives. It tells ...
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France and US Continue Appeasing the Hezbollah Killer of their soldiers

France and US Continue Appeasing the Hezbollah Killer of their soldiers
On the dawn of Sunday October 23, 1983, Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist arm of thebarbarian theocracy of Iran, simultaneously blew ...
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Amos Hochstein Still Trying to Sell Junk to the Lebanese

Amos Hochstein Still Trying to Sell Junk to the Lebanese
After succeeding – at least on the surface – in clinching a deal between Lebanon and Israel over their maritime ...
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