[From Lebanon Iznogood: https://lebanoniznogood.blogspot.com/2024/05/the-jewish-colony-in-palestine-under.html] – May 4, 2024
It is hard not to watch events unfolding in Palestine and not question the root causes of the problem. Many detractors of Palestine want you to ignore the tragic history and focus only on the horrific events of October 7, 2023 as some sort of banal acts of violence that surged out of nowhere.
When Antonio Guterres of the UN first admitted that “there is a context” to the Hamas attack, Israeli officials pretended to be shocked and feigned outrage. But deep down, they are not idiots. They know that Hamas’s attack is fundamentally an act of resistance against a decades-long oppression and occupation of the native indigenous Palestinian population by foreign and illegal white European migrants to Palestine.
But for all these decades, Zionist propaganda hammered the fact that the genocide of European Jews by Germans and their French, Italian, Spanish and other allies should be sufficient reason for the remaining Jews to carry out their own genocide against the Palestinian people. And the West, laden with guilt at having massacred millions of Jews and other “lower” subhumans, complied, remained silent, armed and protected those European Jews who were murdering Palesinians and driving them out of their homes, villages, towns and cities into squalid refugee camps, to artifically create a new state out of a myth from the Bronze Age of humanity.
The fundamental question is: Is it right for a former victim (European Jews) to victimize another people (the native indigenous Palestinians)? Is it generally acceptable to psychologists and psychiatrists, or is it considered legal by jurists that a molested, raped, abused individual in turn molests, rapes and abuses someone else who had nothing to do with the original crime?
Justice in human societies is “organized revenge”. In primitive societies, including western ones up to the early 20th entury, duels were an accepted form of justice. The two individuals in disagreement confronted each other, in front of witnesses, in a gun shootout whereby the one who is killed is a posteriori deemed to be the offending criminal, while the victorious killer is innocented by his victory. How could this have been acceptable? By invoking the primitive notion that God operates all this mayhem like a puppeteer, and killing and getting killed was some sort of divine justice.
If revenge is an accepted form of justice, regardless of whether it is organized or random, then the European Jews who devastated Palestine have chosen the wrong enemy to mete out revenge on it. Palestine did not carry out the Holocaust. Germans and other European Fascists did. So why, I ask, should the Palestinians pay the price for the Holocaust by being driven out of their homeland?
How come the European Jews, who suffered German barbarity without defending themselves and mounting a resistance of their own, and were led like sheep to the crematoria, suddenly became brave fighters against unsuspecting, unsophisticated, mostly rural Palestinian villagers and townspeople? In their native innocence, the Palestinians – like the Amerindians of the American continent – did not suspect that the initial trickle of illegal European migrants from 2,000 miles away would mutate into massive plundering savage hordes who would drive them out of their land under the pretext that they were angry at their own fellow Europeans who massacred them?
Revenge is usually taken against the perpetrator, not against some other innocent person. In the latter case, revenge becomes terrorism. Indeed, the indigenous Palestinians became the scapegoats in a civil war, a conflict not their own, between German Jews and German Christians. Having behaved like cowards back in their own country of Germany, and instead of embarking on a campaign of resistance, revenge, and liberation from their German Christian tormentors, the Jews chose a weak, vulnerable and unsuspecting victim to mete out their revenge on. They embarked on a gigantic campaign of Jewish terrorism to drive the native Palestinians out of their lands.
How can anyone with a speck of decency reject Palestinian resistance against Israel as some sort of wanton violence? Palestinian resistance against their European Jewish tormentors may have taken various forms over the decades – secular, communist, left-wing, anarchist, Islamist, Arab nationalist… – the label doesn’t matter. The fundamental remains unchanged: Palestine was raped by Europeans who incidentally happened to be Jews. The fact that those European invaders and settlers were Jews is secondary to the problem. Palestinians are not fighting Jews per se, as much as they are fighting European rapists, mass murderers, and colonial settlers.
Nothing would have changed in the Palestine-Israel conflict if the foreign invaders and land-grabbers back in the 1920s were Japanese or Mozambicans or Chinese. The fundamental is simple: There was a millennial nation of Palestine trying to come out from under 400 years of Turkish Ottoman occupation. The international community tasked the English crooks with helping the Palestinians establish their national institutions. Just like France was tasked with helping the Lebanese next door establish their national institutions. While in Lebanon the French assisted the Lebanese and the nascent state of Lebanon to become reality, the English criminals betrayed their own mission by dumping millions of illegal European Jewish migrants to enter Palestine, rape and plunder it, drive its indigenous Palestinians out of their ancestral lands, and subverted the birth of a modern Palestinian State.
Instead, the English crooks, in collusion with the other racist Europeans, got rid of their own Jewish citizens by shipping them to Palestine where they created the artifical state of Israel to serve as a forward colonial base for European imperialism coveting the oil fields of Arabia next door. Jews from Europe, north Africa, Iran, and the Arab Middle East were essentially pushed, bribed or threatened to move to Palestine to tilt the Jewish headcount against the native Palestinian headcount in order to justify stealing the land of Palestine from its indigenous people. These Jews were from different cultural backgrounds and ethnicities, with different languages and customs. This random mélange of various peoples, united only by the flimsy and barbarian criterion of religion, could not even speak a common language, so the Zionists resurrected the otherwise dead language of Hebrew to become their common language, which they can’t even speak properly. Modern Hebrew is a corruption of the original Hebrew language.
Some years ago, I took Hebrew language classes in a synagogue in the US city where I live. The teacher was an Israeli woman whose father had emigrated to Palestine from Yemen. I was the only non-Jew in a class of about 25 adult learners, and since I spoke Arabic natively, my pronunciation of Hebrew was the original pronunciation of real authentic Hebrew, and not the corrupted perverted “Europeanized” Hebrew spoken by Israelis. My teacher would tell the class that I spoke Hebrew like her father. What she didn’t say was that Israelis, being in their majority from central and eastern europe, spoke Hebrew with the same Slavic European-accented distorted pronunciation.
For example, the sound represented by the Hebrew alphabet letter ayin ע is not pronounced correctly by Israelis in modern Hebrew. Instead of being pronounced as a voiced pharyngeal fricative like its authentic cognate sound in Arabic ع , it is reduced in Israeli Modern Hebrew to a glottal stop or is omitted entirely in part due to the inability of Europeans to make that sound.
Same thing with the sound of the Hebrew letter ḥēt ח. Instead of its authentic sound like Arabic ḥāʾ ح, which is a voiceless pharyngeal fricative, European Israelis pronounce it as (Kh), a voiceless velar fricative. Whenever I hear the fake pronunciation by Israelis of “Khamas” instead of Hamas, or “Khezbollah” instead of Hezbollah, I am reminded of how artificial is the link claimed by the new European converts to judaism (modern Israelis) with the ancient original Hebrews of historic Palestine. If Israeli Jews were authentic Jews, they would have been able to pronounce these and other sounds correctly, instead of corrupting them as any other European would.